Sadikifu Anulika Serwa

born 27.02.2007  
in Otzberg/Habitzheim

breeder:    Stefan Becker

HD A1   OCD/ED free

DD = undiluted skin

height : 63 cm

weight : 32 kg

ZZP: allowed to breed


Pedigree | pictures | show

Anulika Serwa is called Lika. "It's all in the name" Anulika means in the language of the Ibo " Happiness is the best". She is a friendly, open minded dog, who is ready at any time for a joke. She passed the DZRR unrestricted breeding entrance examination (ZZP) with 19 months She continues to develop more towards the meaning of their second name. Serwa means in the language of the Ewe "nice Lady". Lika likes the close contact to us. She plays most of all with her mother and measures up to her as to who is probably the faster.

Excerpt from the breeding entrance examination:

Anulika has a safe and friendly nature. She draws out by an excellent temper with very good guidency.
With the shoot test she did not show a reaction. The feminine head with the good proportions changes into an
elegant and dry neck. The shoulder is correctly stored. The very good chest height and the correct under line
unites with a firm and straight back and a correctly stored croup. She has a strong and smooth expiration of movement
with sufficient front and rear angulation. In the general impression her elegance as well as a balanced behavior are

